Aufsätze in begutachteten Zeitschriften
- Kittel, Bernhard, Sabine Neuhofer & Manuel Schwaninger (2024), More Satisfaction, Less Equality: Distributive Effects of Transparent Needs in a Laboratory Experiment, Social Justice Research 37, 122-148.
- Susánszky, Pál, Bernhard Kittel & Ákos Kopper (2023), Acceptance of Political Restrictions and Societal Polarization during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of Austria and Hungary, International Journal of Comparative Sociology,
- Mühlböck, Monika, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022), Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment, Social Inclusion,
- Mühlböck, Monika, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022), Information, Reflection, and Successful Job Search: A Labor Market Experiment, Social Policy and Administration
- Haindorfer, Raimund, Bernd Liedl & Bernhard Kittel (2022), The Integration Resources of Refugees and Life Satisfaction. Evidence from the City of Vienna, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 22(2), 239-263
- Kittel, Bernhard, Fabian Kalleitner & David W. Schiestl (2021), Peers for the Fearless: Social Norms Facilitate Preventive Behaviour when Individuals Perceive Low COVID-19 Health Risks, PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260171.
- Schiestl, David W., Bernhard Kittel & Maite Ibañez Bollerhof (2021), Conquering the Labour Market – The Socioeconomic Enablement of Refugee Women in Austria, Comparative Migration Studies 9 (53),
- Sauermann, Jan, Manuel Schwaninger & Bernhard Kittel (2021), Making and Breaking Coalitions: Strategic Sophistication and Prosociality in Majority Decisions, European Journal of Political Economy
- Vogtenhuber, Stefan, Nadia Steiber, Monika Mühlböck & Bernhard Kittel (2021), The Impact of Occupational Structures on Ethnic and Gendered Employment Gaps: An Event History Analysis using Social Security Register Data, PLoS ONE 16(4): e0250398.
- Kittel, Bernhard, Sylvia Kritzinger, Hajo Boomgaarden, Barbara Prainsack, Jakob Moritz Eberl, Fabian Kalleitner, Noelle S. Lebernegg, Julia Partheymüller, Carolina Plescia, David W. Schiestl, Lukas Schlogl (2020), The Austrian Corona Panel Project: Monitoring Individual and Societal Dynamics amidst the COVID-19 Crisis, European Political Science 20(2), 318-344.
- Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2020). Learning to Keep the Faith? Further Education and Perceived Employability among Young Unemployed, Economic and Industrial Democracy.
- Kalleitner, Fabian, Monika Mühlböck & Bernhard Kittel (2020). What’s the Benefit of a Video? The Effect of Non-materialistic Incentives on Response Rate and Bias in Web Surveys, Social Science Computer Review.
- Hoffmann, Roman, Bernhard Kittel & Mattias Larsen (2020). The Emergence of Reputation: The Role of Direct and Indirect Costs of Information Sharing, Experimental Economics.
- Kittel Bernhard, Sabine Neuhofer, Manuel Schwaninger (2020). The impact of need on distributive decisions: Experimental evidence on anchor effects of exogenous thresholds in the laboratory, PLOS ONE.
- Tosun, Jale, José L. Arco-Tirado, Maurizio Caserta, Zeynep Cemalcilar, Markus Freitag, Felix Hörisch, Carsten Jensen, Bernhard Kittel, Levente Littvay, Martin Lukeš, William A. Maloney, Monika Mühlböck, Emily Rainsford, Carolin Rapp, Bettina Schuck, Jennifer Shore, Nadia Steiber, Nebi Sümer, Panos Tsakloglou, Mihaela Vancea, and Federico Vegetti (2019). Perceived Economic Self-Sufficiency: A Country- and Generation-Comparative Approach, European Political Science 18(3), 510-531.
- Reindl, Ilona, Roman Hoffmann & Bernhard Kittel (2019). Let the Others do the Job: Comparing Public Good Contribution Behavior in the Lab and in the Field, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 81, 73-83.
- Verwiebe, Roland, Bernhard Kittel, Fanny Dellinger, Christina Liebhart, David W. Schiestl, Raimund Haindorfer & Bernd Liedl (2019). Finding Your Way into Employment Against All Odds? Successful Job Search of Refugees in Austria, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(9), 1401-1418.
- Kittel, Bernhard, Fabian Kalleitner & Panos Tsakloglou (2019). The Transmission of Work Centrality within the Family in a Cross-Regional Perspective, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 682(1), 106-124.
- Kittel, Bernhard & Karl-Dieter Opp (2019). Dissecting the Conditions of Political Protest. An Exploration of Interaction Effects in the Explanation of Political Protest, Sociological Inquiry 89(1), 67-93.
- Schwaninger, Manuel, Sabine Neuhofer & Bernhard Kittel (2019). Offers Beyond the Negotiating Dyad: Including the Excluded in a Network Exchange Experiment, Social Science Research 79, 258-271.
- Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber, and Bernhard Kittel (2018). Reaching the Unreachables: A Panel Survey among Unemployed Young Adults in Austria and Recommendations on How to Decrease Nonresponse and Attrition, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 47(2), 35-48.
- Ondřej Dvouletý, Monika Mühlböck, Julia Warmuth & Bernhard Kittel (2018). ‘Scarred’ young entrepreneurs. Exploring young adults’ transition from former unemployment to self-employment, Journal of Youth Studies 21(9), 1159-1181.
- Mühlböck, Monika, Julia Warmuth, Marian Holienka & Bernhard Kittel (2018). Desperate Entrepreneurs: No Opportunities, No Skills, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14(4), 975-997.
- Kittel, Bernhard, Georg Kanitsar & Stefan Traub (2017). Knowledge, Power, and Self-interest. Journal of Public Economics 150, 39-52.
- Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2017). Less Supervision, More Satisficing? Comparing Completely Self-Administered Web-Surveys and Interviews under Controlled Conditions, Statistics, Politics and Policy 8(1), 13-28.
- Shikano, Susumu & Bernhard Kittel (2016). Dynamics of Voting Propensity: Experimental Tests of Adaptive Learning Models, Political Research Quarterly, 69 (4), 813-829.
- Rogge, Jana & Bernhard Kittel (2016). Who Shall not be Treated: Public Attitudes on Setting Health Care Priorities by Person-based Criteria in 28 Nations, Plos-One 11 (6).
- Neuhofer, Sabine, Ilona Reindl & Bernhard Kittel (2015). Social Exchange Networks: A Review of Experimental Studies, Connections 35 (2), 34-51.
- Kittel, Bernhard, Fabian Paetzel & Stefan Traub (2015). Competition, Income Distribution and the Middle Class: An Experimental Study, Journal of Applied Mathematics.
- Lorenz, Jan, Heiko Rauhut & Bernhard Kittel (2015). Majoritarian Democracy Undermines Truth-finding in Deliberative Committees, Research & Politics, 2 (2).
- Kittel, Bernhard, Wolfgang Luhan & Rebecca B. Morton (2014). Communication and Voting in Multiparty Elections: An Experimental Study, The Economic Journal 124 (574), F196-F225.
- Rogge, Jana & Bernhard Kittel (2014), Politisches Vertrauen in Europa: Das Zusammenwirken von Demokratiequalität und Korruption, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 8 (2), 155-178.
- Briken, Kendra, Karin Gottschall, Sylvia Hils & Bernhard Kittel (2014). Wandel von Beschäftigung und Arbeitsbeziehungen im öffentlichen Dienst in Deutschland – zur Erosion einer sozialstaatlichen Vorbildrolle, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 60 (2): 123-148.
- Kittel, Bernhard & Wolfgang Luhan (2013). Decision Making in Networks. An Experiment on Structure Effects in a Group Dictator Game, Social Choice and Welfare 40 (1): 141-154.
- Kittel, Bernhard & David Kühn (2013). Introduction: Reassessing the Methodology of Process Tracing, European Political Science 12 (1), 1-9.
- Kittel, Bernhard & Diana Lindner (2011). Der soziale Hintergrund von Sprachwahlen in Belarus. Eine sprachsoziologische Analyse der „gemischten Rede“, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 63 (4): 623-647.
- Tepe, Markus, Karin Gottschall & Bernhard Kittel (2010). A Structural Fit between States and Markets? Public Administration Regulation and Market Economy Models in the OECD, Socio-Economic Review 8 (4): 653-684.
- Kittel, Bernhard, Diana Lindner, Sviatlana Tesch & Gerd Hentschel (2010). Mixed Language Usage in Belarus. The Sociostructural Background of Language Choice, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 206: 47-71.
- Opp, Karl-Dieter & Bernhard Kittel (2010). The Dynamics of Political Protest. Feedback Effects and Interdependence in the Explanation of Protest Participation, European Sociological Review 26 (1), 97-109.
- Kittel, Bernhard (2009). Eine Disziplin auf der Suche nach Wissenschaftlichkeit: Entwicklung und Stand der Methoden in der Deutschen Politikwissenschaft, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 50 (3), 577-603 (eingeladener Beitrag, Jubiläumsausgabe „50 Jahre PVS“). Data
- Tepe, Markus, Karin Gottschall & Bernhard Kittel (2008). Marktwirtschaftsmodelle und öffentliche Beschäftigungsregimes in der OECD, Der Moderne Staat 2 (2), 377-398. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2006). A Crazy Methodology? On the Limits of Macro-quantitative Social Science Research, International Sociology 21 (5), 647-677. Article
- Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Bernhard Kittel (2005). European Rigidity vs. American Flexibility? The Institutional Adaptability of Collective Bargaining,Work and Occupations 32 (2), 163-195. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2005). Repliek: De paradox van de modal mover en de discussie of een methodologie gek kan zijn, Sociologie 1 (3), 330-335.
- Kittel, Bernhard (2005). Enkele verduidelijkingen in het debat om de gekheid van een methodologie, Sociologie 1 (2), 226-228.
- Kittel, Bernhard (2005). Een gekke methodologie? Over de grenzen van macrokwantitatief sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek, Sociologie 1 (1), 3-30. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard & Hannes Winner (2005). How Reliable is Pooled Analysis in Political Economy? The Globalization-Welfare State Nexus Revisited, European Journal of Political Research 44 (1), 269-293. Article, Data
- Kittel, Bernhard & Herbert Obinger (2003). Political Parties, Institutions, and the Dynamics of Social Expenditure in Times of Austerity, Journal of European Public Policy 10 (1), 25-50, republished in Richardson, Jeremy (ed.) (2014), Twenty Years of Journal of European Public Policy, Virtual Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2000). Trade Union Bargaining Horizons in Comparative Perspective: The Effect of Encompassing Organization, Unemployment, and the Monetary Regime on Wage-Pushfulness, European Journal of Industrial Relations 6 (2), 181–202. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2000). Variationen der Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung in Österreich: Kollektivvertragliche Verhandlungshorizonte im Vergleich, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 29 (4), 417-431. Article
- Traxler, Franz & Bernhard Kittel (2000). The Bargaining System and Performance. A Comparison of 18 OECD Countries, Comparative Political Studies 33 (9), 1154-1190. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2000). Gesamtwirtschaftliche Leistungseffekte betrieblicher Arbeitnehmervertretung im internationalen Vergleich, Industrielle Beziehungen 7 (3), 2000: 211-229. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (2000). Deaustrification? The Policy-Area-Specific Evolution of Austrian Social Partnership, West European Politics 23 (1), 108-129. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (1999). Sense and Sensitivity in the Pooled Analysis of Political Data, European Journal of Political Research 35 (2), 225-253, republished in: Babones, Salvatore J. (ed.) (2013), Applied Statistical Modeling, Volume 2, London: Sage Publications. Article, Data
- Kittel, Bernhard (1998). Ent-Austrifizierung? Die Grenzen des Wandels des österreichischen politischen Systems – eine Literaturübersicht, Neue Politische Literatur 2, 290-300. Abstract
- Kittel, Bernhard & Herbert Gröger (1997). Sozialpartnerschaft im Spiegel der österreichischen Politikwissenschaft: Analysen und Prognosen, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 26 (2), 209-223. Abstract
- Kittel, Bernhard (1996). Sozialpartnerschaft und Disorganisierung: Veränderung und Kontinuität der Entscheidungsstrukturen in der österreichischen Arbeitszeitpolitik, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 2 (4), 223-246. Article
- Kittel, Bernhard (1991). Tribalismus oder Machtpolitik: Plädoyer für eine heuristische Neuorientierung der Analyse des Staates in Afrika, Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien, 11/12, 3-24. Abstract
- Neugebauer, Michael & Bernhard Kittel (1991). Ethnizität – keine allgemeine Entwicklungstheorie! Einige Anmerkungen zu Albert F. Reiterer in ÖZP 1/1991, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 20 (4), 437-441.